A man in a wheelchair with a white shirt solders something in a factory setting


ODEN Disability Awareness And Confidence Training

DACT for Co-Workers

An introductory learning module that explains the benefits of inclusive hiring practices and dispels the misconceptions and myths that frequently surround people who have a disability.

The learning outcomes for this course include:

  • What does disability look like in Canada – the facts.
  • Dispelling the myths that create biases and barriers.
  • Case studies of businesses that have benefited by creating an inclusive workforce.

DACT for Managers

This course builds from the DACT for Co-Workers and prepares your teams to onboard new employees who have a disability with confidence.

The learning outcomes for this course include:

    • What does disability look like in Canada – the facts.
    • Dispelling the myths that create biases and barriers.
    • Case studies of businesses that have benefited by creating an inclusive workforce.
    • Considerations for successful implementation – avoiding management pitfalls.

Pricing Information

The ODEN Disability Awareness and Confidence Training course is offered with tiered pricing for those wishing to purchase multiple licenses. Please consult the table below for pricing details. To purchase one license, please complete the form below. To purchase more than one license, please send an email to info@odenetwork.com with the title DACT Licenses to inquire further.

Tier Level

Price per Unit

Number of Licenses


$44.25 ea.

Up to 25


$40.00 ea.



$36.00 ea.



$32.50 ea.



$29.25 ea.



Please inquire.
