Youth Success Strategy Year 1 – Resources

Thanks to funding from the Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE) Innovation Lab, in 2022-2023, ODEN piloted the Youth Success Strategy project in three communities outside Ontario – British Columbia, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia.  ODEN was testing the hypothesis that family networks can advocate effectively, at a local level, about the importance of higher expectations for students who have a disability and that when tools and resources are provided, employment service providers and businesses in their community can prepare and engage students who have a disability as a talent pipeline.

Part of this pilot involved creating a Train-the-Trainer learning module to assist other networks and organizations in organizing a workshop to deliver the presentation: Employment-The GOLD Standard for Inclusion. This presentation brings awareness to the importance of employment for youth who have a developmental disability. The project developed a number of associated resources to support the delivery of this workshop.

For more information on the YSS Project, please connect with us at