Beyond AODA Compliance -Public Services

Photo of a woman seated at a desk working. The person is smiling. Resting on the edge of the desk are two black metal forearm crutches. On the top corner of the photo is a logo all in white colour. The centre of the logo has a circle with a check mark across it. Above the circle, the project name “Beyond AODA Compliance”. Below the circle, the tagline “Disability Inclusive Hiring”.


Thank you for joining the number of public service employees in Ontario embracing disability inclusive hiring practices.

Education is a core component of the Beyond AODA Compliance: Disability Inclusive Hiring project. It emphasizes the importance of increasing awareness and change attitudes towards people who have a disability as both consumers and employees.  Additionally, the initiative advocates for changes in the workplace to enhance disability-inclusive hiring practices.

The goal: Have insight from employees who have a disability that can drive changes in how employers, both in the public and private sectors, provide services and goods to consumers who have a disability. Changes that can have a lasting impact.

Register by filling the form below. You will receive a GROUP CODE to access ODEN’s Disability Awareness and Confidence Training for Managers And Supervisors. The course covers topics such as the importance of language; dispelling myths that create biases and barriers; understanding disability; basic guidelines for supporting employees who have a disability; case studies of businesses that have benefited from an inclusive workforce and considerations for successful implementation of inclusive hiring- avoiding management pitfalls.

If you have any questions, please connect with Ingrid Muschta Director of Special Projects & Innovation at

Beyond AODA Compliance-Public_Sector_Registration

Beyond AODA Compliance-Public_Sector_Registration

Number of Employees
Are you responsible for hiring and managing staff?

Pre-Training Questions

Please help us measure the impact of this training by answering these short questions. Responses to these questions will be kept anonymous and only aggregate data will be presented.
Do you believe it is more costly to hire people who have disabilities due to the potential cost of accommodations?
How familiar are you with the AODA requirements for public sector organizations?